“First of all, make an overview of your gifts and the amounts you are already donating. People often don’t have a clear picture of this. Make sure you therefore have all your bank statements and donation receipts in order,” says Lara Hadjistratis, Head of Wealth Solutions.
Second, I always recommend drawing up a list of charities that are close to your heart. How do you want to contribute? Do you want to take action against the pollution of our planet, contribute to better healthcare, support initiatives towards women’s equality? Write down what you would like to see change in the next five years. Also consider the who, where and how. This gives you better insight into your wishes and allows us to offer you more specific advice.”
“Finding the right organisation is not always easy. For instance, there is no centralised overview of charities in Belgium, which does not facilitate the transition from donating reactively to proactively.
To avoid getting lost in the maze of organisations, we recommend always using your own wishes as a starting point. Lay out your objectives and check them against those of the organisations."
Our team generally helps four different “profiles” of people who want to donate, says Lara Hadjistratis, Head of Wealth Solutions.
“Starting a foundation involves a bit of thought,” says Lara Hadjistratis, Head of Wealth Solutions. “Literally, because a policy plan is required to establish a foundation of your own. Furthermore, the foundation must be formally established by a notary. You then need to register the foundation with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises and publish the foundation’s articles of association. The establishment of a foundation for public benefit (SON, “stichting van openbaar nut”), which offers interesting tax benefits, must follow the same procedure. The main advantage of having your own foundation is maintaining full control.
A simpler option, which allows less personal influence, is establishing a Named Fund. In this case, you donate to a larger organisation, such as the Koning Boudewijnstichting, with a specific objective. The main benefit of a Named Fund is that the larger organisation takes on all the administration and follow-up of your donation. At the same time, you can continue to play an active part after making the donation: you have a say in how the money is spent, whether you donate anonymously or publicly, and can stay in touch with any beneficiaries.”
ABN AMRO has had a Charity Account for the King Baudouin Foundation since 2024. The account is used in support of specific projects in consultation with an expert at the King Baudouin Foundation. You can also use this charity account to make a donation.
Not sure whether to establish a foundation of your own or to donate to a named fund? Then we will look at the pros and cons of both solutions together with our experts and determine which is the best match for your personal wishes.