There are situations in which you make use of our international financial services, for instance if you transfer money abroad or if you hold investments abroad through us. In such situations, foreign parties, such as local supervisory authorities, banks, government bodies and investigative authorities, may ask us for your personal data, for instance so that they can carry out an investigation.
When you invest in foreign investment products and these investment products may be held at a foreign bank or custodian company. Orders regarding these products are also executed by a foreign party. Foreign supervisory authorities or foreign custodians that hold your investment products or execute your orders may require your personal data, for example in connection with anti-money laundering legislation, for example. If foreign supervisory authorities or custodians that hold your investment products or execute your orders ask for this data, the bank may be obliged to disclose your personal data. As these parties are located in other countries, it may be possible that their data protection/privacy rules may not provide an adequate or similar level of protection as the data protection rules in Belgium.
If you do not want us to provide your data or the data of your representatives to these foreign organisations, please let us know. This implies, however, that you will no longer be able to use the bank’s services to invest in these countries and that you will have to sell your investment products from these countries. Any negative consequences of such sale will be fully for your own account.
For certain foreign investment products you may apply for a reduction in withholding tax. This is the case, for example, for US investment products. The foreign authorities concerned may then ask for your personal data if there is an agreement.
We furthermore provide information on your investments to the Belgian tax authorities. Sometimes the Belgian tax authorities pass on this information to their foreign counterparts in, e.g., the European Union or the United States.
Additional rules governing the use of personal data apply if you purchase investment products from us. For details, see the provisions of Article 11.3 of the Investment Conditions