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Investing with flexibility

Flexible Mandate

  • Dynamic, flexible management style
  • Mitigating downside risks
  • Core-satellite approach

A portfolio consisting of direct lines and funds where the Portfolio Managers have greater flexibility.

Mandate characteristics: 

The Flexible Mandate is suitable for investors seeking to limit downside risks and to invest in a broadly diversified and actively managed portfolio. The distinguishing feature of this mandate is its flexibility and strong belief in the market. This implies an unrestricted policy to be able to continue to guarantee this flexibility under all market conditions, with the only restriction being that any over- or underweighting of shares may not conflict with the Bank's investment strategy.


Portfolio management and sustainability

Themes such as climate change, circular economy, human rights and social entrepreneurship play an increasingly important role in our society. As a financial institution, we are aware of our responsibility in this regard. Our experts invest for you in companies that lead the way in finding and maintaining the balance between people, the environment and society. For you and for future generations.

More information and conditions

What the mandate comprises

The Flexible Mandate is based on the principle of diversification and can be composed of equity and bond funds, ETFs, stocks, bonds, alternative investments and cash. The management is active, flexible and in line with the bank's overall investment strategy. 

The ranges for the various asset classes can be filled in more flexibly, especially in the reduction of risky assets. Nevertheless, the active position in equities (strong overweight or underweight) will never be in contradiction with the investment vision as defined by the bank's Global Investment Committee.

Sustainable Financial Disclosure

Following the European Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), you can find below an overview with more information on the investment strategy and how your mandate is handling the sustainability risks. You will also find information about the ecological and social characteristics or the sustainable objective of the mandate. Finally, insight is also given into the methodology used as well as the data used for the information disclosure.

More information and conditions

What the mandate comprises

The Flexible Mandate is based on the principle of diversification and can be composed of equity and bond funds, ETFs, stocks, bonds, alternative investments and cash. The management is active, flexible and in line with the bank's overall investment strategy. 

The ranges for the various asset classes can be filled in more flexibly, especially in the reduction of risky assets. Nevertheless, the active position in equities (strong overweight or underweight) will never be in contradiction with the investment vision as defined by the bank's Global Investment Committee.

Sustainable Financial Disclosure

Following the European Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), you can find below an overview with more information on the investment strategy and how your mandate is handling the sustainability risks. You will also find information about the ecological and social characteristics or the sustainable objective of the mandate. Finally, insight is also given into the methodology used as well as the data used for the information disclosure.